Friday, May 8, 2009

Tokyo, here I come!

Very early Sunday morning, I will be in the air on my way to Tokyo. I'm heading over to the semi-yearly exhibition put on by the Japanese denim company The Flat Head . We started working with the Flat Head last year. Through a chance meeting with Kazoo from Lightning Magazine, I met Mr Kobayashi , the head honcho at the Flat Head. I've always been a big fan of the gear that these guys make. You know how you always hear the stories about Japanese denim companies buying up all of the old sewing machines and looms, well, I was in the room where they all sit. The attention to detail and the love of American denim in that company, should make Levis hang their heads in shame. It's sad that the love of an American  icon like denim jeans is being kept alive by a few small American companies, and many not so small Japanese companies. Anyway, these guys make spectacular clothes. you get the picture....
Since last year, the Flat Head has been working as our exclusive Japanese distributor, and I couldn't be happier. They have a remarkable staff and they operate near Nagano which is a few hours North of Tokyo. It's also caused us to dramatically pay attention to the details of our denim as well as lighting a fire under my ass to make new stuff. The Exhibition that I will be attending is only for  Flat Head customers ( they have enough to warrant their own little trade show...). So I will spend the next week or so talking through my translator Aya. She has the unfortunate job of not only babysitting me while I'm in Japan, but having to crack the whip when I'm dragging my ass making the Glory goods for the Japanese market.  So hopefully, I return with shit loads of orders for Glory as well as buying some of the great Flat Head products to sell in our shop.

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